and even NASA is baffled. Mysterious circles have appeared on Arctic sea ice — and even NASA is baffled – National Post    But I think I had the answer 2 years ago when my titanium S.E.T.I. hip detected intelligent coded signals that could only be transmitted by extraterrestrials and now it looks like they’ve arrived. Here’s my original post: strange-happenings. Why didn’t NASA just ask me, I could’ve saved them millions?

I’ll be in Scotland’s Shetland Islands next month, which is not in the Arctic, but pretty far north. I’m hoping that my hip will kick in again and now that I know what this is all about, maybe I can communicate back. That is, of course, if the signals don’t get crossed with the wild haggis which really look like they come from another planet.

So now that I’ve got that out of the way, let’s move on to the 2nd 10 weeks of the Dogwood2018 52 week photography challenge. Yes, I’m still hangin’ in there.

[click on any photo for slideshow, and please leave comments below the photos at bottom of the page]

Week 11 Composition: Negative Space


Week 11 Composition: Negative Space

Minimize the composition to isolate your subject. The composition should be simple, thereby drawing your viewer to the subject.



The Revenge of Analog




Week 12 Technical: Macro

Life is in the details. Get in close and show us the details we usually miss.





March for Our Lives

Week 13 Creative: Leading Lines

With this line of strength, we will “March for Our Lives“.

March for Our Lives was a student-led demonstration in support of tighter gun control that took place on March 24, 2018, in Washington, D.C., with over 800 sibling events throughout the United States and around the world.




Hands of the Faithful


Week 14 Vision: Diptych or Triptych

Connect 2 or 3 images together, creating one image, to provoke a thought or tell a story.

Hands of the Faithful“. Good Friday procession, Little Italy, Toronto.



Week 15 Composition: Rule of Space


Week 15 Composition: Rule of Space

Your subject should be facing the frame, walking into the frame, this keeps your subject “in” the frame and engaging with it. Give your subject room to move.



Week 16 Technical: Portrait Lighting



Week 16 Technical: Portrait Lighting

Went rogue on this shot and just used natural outside light. Friday 13, Port Dover, Ontario.




Week 17 Creative: Humour



Week 17 Creative: Humour

Took the phrase from Howie, but I shot the chips, and ate them afterward.




Out of the Fog




Week 18 Wildcard: Photographer’s Choice

“Out of the Fog”





Week 19 Vision: Edge Cut Sun


Week 19 Vision: Edge Cut Sun

Having an edge cut through the sun looks nice, or having the sun rising over a line or diagonal within the photo. Stop down the aperture to create a starburst.





Not in Service

Week 20 Composition: From Below

Get down low; below 2 feet, and change your perspective. Look out or look up.

Not in Service“. I asked this homeless guy laying on the sidewalk at Queen and Bay St. for permission to take his portrait. He said yes, then started brushing his hair. I gave him a toonie, and we chatted a bit, and shook hands. I felt that this was a win-win encounter.

As I chatted with this man, I realized that he has pride and that, I think, shows in his expression. Made me think that all homeless people have come from somewhere, and do have a story.