Tag bike touring

Budapest Chase

Berlin, September, 2019 He sat on the floor of his flat, wondering what went wrong in Denmark. His head felt like there were bombs going off. His wall looked like Lakeshore Boulevard after a parade, with scraps of paper, newspaper… Continue Reading →

Die Jagd (The Hunt)

Welcome to part 2 of the Berlin to Copenhagen cycling tour. I suggest you review Part 1 at Somewhere in East Germany. *** He was hiding in the deep forest behind the gasthaus in Neustrelitz, watching the man sitting on… Continue Reading →

The Way

I was sitting outside a cafĂ© in Castrojeriz; in the middle of northern, back-country Spain, having a beer and writing in my journal, surrounded by a German woman on my right and an Aussie woman on my left. I remember… Continue Reading →

The Midnight Train

People were running past us, bumping, pushing; a chaotic spectacle. There was an announcement over the PA system, but it was in German. We had already carried the heavy panniers up the long, steep stairway to the rail platform in… Continue Reading →

That Creepy Sound Again…

Is someone or something out there? or is this just something in my head? Then this ancient clock-tower chimes every hour. No problem for Chantal… she’s wearing earplugs. But that noise again… someone walking up the stairs? We’re alone in… Continue Reading →

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