Tag poem

The Fog

I have walked through the fog The mystery of city “The Fog” and “The Mist” Be there monsters there? There’s a fog south of here The chaos of fear and uncertainty The gas of tears Mystery but also comfort Like… Continue Reading →

All The Answers Are Here

the slapping of the waves and the chasing of the foam against the sandy waters edge the rhythm of two bodies entwined in sync together your soft fingers entangled in mine and the sand squeezing between my toes the seagulls… Continue Reading →

Lakeshore Nights

are really noisy big-ass tail-pipes waking the dead boom boxes blaring gettin’ in my head Harleys thunderin’ see the devils red   really noisy streetcars whisperin’ on ribbons of steel dividing the roadway hear the wheels squeal light trails surreal… Continue Reading →

Purple Haze

Purple Haze all in the air, lately things don’t seem the same, actin’ funny but I don’t know why ‘scuse me while I stand aside.   Purple Haze is all around, don’t know if I’m coming up or down. Am… Continue Reading →

I have seen…

Ghosts drifting over the expanse Snowy hoodoos growing from the crest Ravens hovering on the wire Tall pines reaching from the mire Sun spawning shadows on the Peaks Tracks in the snow, schuss and streaks   Sun Peaks, BC   [Click… Continue Reading →

I hate winter…

… but only when it rains dirty city snow, salt puddles, neige jaune I love the cold, crisp air of winter champagne powder and the solitude of a northern stillness winter also has a darkness shortest days of the year… Continue Reading →

Beautiful Blur

I’m walking around the streets of my city, thinking about an old movie I watched the other day In The Cut, where Meg Ryan is an English teacher who has a passion for words she goes through life with a… Continue Reading →

City Shadows Night

wandering through the dark and narrow calle shadows roaming the alleyways, tunnels lights creepy and scary but not dark green mysterious water 400 bridges boats on canal helter skelter Casanova, Marco Polo, Shylock ghosts passing by palace windows chandeliers old… Continue Reading →

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