Is someone or something out there? or is this just something in my head? Then this ancient clock-tower chimes every hour. No problem for Chantal… she’s wearing earplugs. But that noise again… someone walking up the stairs? We’re alone in this several hundred year old gasthaus. So I got up to go out to the hallway to check the stairs. Nope… no one there, but there seems to be an eerie haze or blur and I keep having this feeling of a presence, but maybe just in my head.
Scary, so I try to hide under the covers. We’re in a medieval German walled town, in a very old gasthaus right next-door to the town’s clock-tower, built in 1683. Could be ghosts here, and I believe in them. Who knows what’s happened in this place over the centuries. That’s what’s going through my head tonight.
This is our first European bike trip, from Heidelberg, Germany, along the Neckar River, the Jagst River, and finally, the Tauber River. And here we are at the end of our journey, at Rothenberg ob der Tauber, a walled medieval town. That’s a photo of our place with Chantal in the window at the top of the page.
Some places in North America, where they use guns a lot, people breathe a lot of gunsmoke. And it’s a fact that the nitrates in gunsmoke reduce sexual desire. Does the mind compensate for this lower libido by visualizing other things? Like UFO’s and extra terrestrials? Or just alt-facts? That’s not me… nope, no gunpowder, just beer. And, since this is Germany… LOTS of beer!
The photos below are the 1st 10 weeks of #dogwood52 #dogwood2018 photography challenge. Yes… it’s back, and more challenging than ever!
[click on any photo for slideshow, and please leave comments below the photos at bottom of the page]
Week 1 Vision: Look Ahead
New Year, new beginnings, new you. Look ahead. Brickworks in the Don Valley, where I am a volunteer photographer for their promotional material.
Week 2 Composition: Colour Harmony
Zoom-burst shot of the graffiti off Queen Street West alley.
Week 3 Technical: Full Manual Mode
I’m normally using manual mode anyway. This is 1/15 sec. exposure. This is the linear ice rink under the Gardiner Expressway.
Week 4 Creative: Quiet Moment
Real calming with paper, not plastic, at the Brickworks.
Week 5 Wildcard: Photographer’s Choice
Just can’t get away from it, at the top of the world at Chamonix, France.
Week 6 Vision: Alternating Rhythm
Week 7 Composition: Fill the Frame
This is a composite photo. Cartridge made with 10x closeup filter.
Week 8 Technical: Zoom burst
Roncesvalles village. I had a comment that this could be a haute couture image. Hmmmmm.
Week 9 Creative: Forsaken
In life, we often just walk away.
Week 10 Vision: Selective Colour
Subway station Lost & Found? or just forgotten? I consider this cliche, but whatever.
March 5, 2018 at 5:16 pm
I love the first photo – so evocative of new beginnings.
And how could you note like ‘Colour Harmony’.
The ubiquous iphone is everywhere and Chamonix is just more evidence. I was there with you, too bad the guy couldn’t look at the scenery although the photo is great.
Now ‘Born in the USA’ is a great album, but I’m not buying into the US brand at the moment – so I think it is time for some ‘Rocking in the Free World’ from Neil Young please.
Get photos Len
March 5, 2018 at 11:39 pm
Yes, Rockin’ in the Free World… just have to think of something to write about that. Thanks, Peter
March 7, 2018 at 5:54 pm
Great job . Love 1, 9 and 10. Should try the zoom technique sometime.
January 14, 2021 at 5:50 pm
Len, again thanks for fantastic photos and memories of cycling in Germany.
Hoping to return to the Romantic Road this year it has been a long time since I was there with a group of cycling friends perhaps 1994??
What is desperately needed is a vaccine in the arm then real planning can begin.
Keep up your writing and photography.
January 14, 2021 at 6:35 pm
Thanks Daphne, yes, we need the vaccine so we can travel again. Chantal and bought an RV and will mount the bikes on the back. We hope to do a lot of exploring this year in Canada.